Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lots of catching up.....

Holy bejesus! The last time I updated this thing was on April 23. Lordy, I'm horrible at having a blog. I think at this point it's safe to say that I DON'T have one.

Anywho, tons of things have happened since April. First of all I got engaged on my birthday. Great fun! I've already set a date of 7/7/07 in Vegas. That's right I hit the Jackpot....777!!!

My friend Daye got engaged this weekend. She's planning on getting married in August of next year. Needless to say it's going to be a busy year. Plus I'll be moving soon (fingers crossed) and then my life will be somewhat easier.

I'm doing the diet thing (AGAIN) but this time it's actually going well. Unfortunately I haven't lost anything as far as pounds go, but I have managed to go to the gym regularly. By that I mean at least 3 times a week. Sometimes more depending on how the week is going. I'm really proud of myself and this is the first time that I've actually felt like I'm achieving a goal that I've set. Even if I stay the same size I can still say that I'm in shape. I'm doing crunches....lots of them too. That's the thing I'm proudest of right now. Oh, and the fact that I can do pushups.

I've only lost an inch off my waist and about an inch in my bust, but it's a start. I still have 11 months to get this together. I'm off to a good start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy crap!!!
5 months with no update?!
three times a week
mother effer!
i don't even DRIVE BY IT that often...