Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Here we go again.....

Well, it's my worst enemies' favorite day.....the day that I get my revenge. What could be so bad that every person that hates me would dance with joy?? Public humilitation? No....too easy. Tomatos thrown at my face?? No, they wash off. I'm talking about the worst thing in my life.....needles. Mainly getting my blood taken. I've talked about all of this, several times I'm sure, on Diaryland. I know that everyone has GOT to be tired of this. But this is MY BLOG! I can talk about whatever I want to talk about because No one is going to read this anyways!!

So I called to get an appointment yesterday and much to my surprise they had an opening this morning at 9:30. Oh boy! I got up early and headed to the office. I sat down in the waiting room with 4 other people and I flip open a Seventeen. "Amy Arthur". Crap! That was fast.....too fast. "Just sit right in this chair and we'll get your blood drawn." What?!? A bed....I need a bed! NOW! They get me in the room, lay me on the bed and then start poking. Unfortunately the girl today must have been fairly new because she hurt me. Normally I cry and almost pass out when someone good is doing it so you can imagine me today. There was no crying oddly enough but there was some threat of blacking out. I starting going down right after she pulled the needle out. I drank my juice and ate my Slimfast bar that I brought along and waited for Doc to come in. Bad news was just around the corner.....

He came in and checked my vitals. He said that everything looked okay and asked me if I've been having any problems. YES! I haven't been sleeping at night, and I've been waking up sweating. "Well, I think we're going to check you for diabetes today, because that's one of the symptoms". You've got to be kidding me. Diabetes? I'm 25. I know that I've gained some weight but it doesn't run in my family. I mean, I already have a thyroid problem, what more punishment do I need? I'm already poked enough! I don't want to have to prick myself!

I'm sitting here at work.....worrying. I'm scared. What if it comes back positive? What do I do then? I know I shouldn't worry about things that haven't happened yet, but I am. I should get the results in the next few days and I will definitely be posting about it. Please wish me luck.

1 comment:

Just this Girl said...

awwwwwwwwww hugs girlie! why didn't you tell me this earlier? i have to read about it on your BLOG?! are you insane?! i know everything will come out ok. if you'd stop hanging out at the dollar stores you'd sleep better! i'd have trouble sleeping after seeing all them skinny beeches!