Friday, October 21, 2005

I just had to do it....

One blog wasn't enough. Now I've gone off and gotten a page on MySpace. That's exactly what I needed to do because I'm so good at keeping up with this one.

I just got the new Effer Dare today and it's all about Then and Now. I've laid out a few ideas and I'm hoping they'll come across.

I'm having this breakdown right now. Not a literal breakdown, but mentally I'm torn over something. I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. I don't really want to be known as a vegetarian because I think they become one of "those" people. And I don't want to have a label like that. I don't want to fall off the wagon and eat a hamburger one day and hear people say, "hey, look at the vegetarian...." I just don't feel that eating animals is ethical. I've started feeling guilty whenever I eat any kind of, pork, beef, all bothers me. I just think about it while I'm eating. Maybe it's a weird phase that I'm going through, or maybe not.

1 comment:

Just this Girl said...

remember when i wouldn't eat meat because i thought i was eating their fear? so weird. i think i stopped red meat for a year. i still can't eat it the same way i did before!